Instant Quote

Administering Estates

We provide a bespoke quote on a time spent basis, we don’t charge a percentage of the value of the Estate

The composition of each person’s Estate is different. Some people have straightforward Estates. They might include a house or flat, several bank accounts and some personal belongings. If the inheritance is due to be paid to only one or two known Beneficiaries, then this may be a relatively simple Estate to administer.

However some Estates are very complicated. Factors which affect complexity include:

It can also take time to ascertain to whom the Estate should be paid. You should expect delays if:

These factors can be time consuming to resolve. We charge for our work on the basis of the actual amount of time spent working on your case. So we can only provide you with an accurate or meaningful quote unless we have detailed information about the specific Estate.

Once we have met with you, checked the Will and composition of the Estate, we can provide an estimate of how many hours it will take to finalise the Estate for you.

You can find out about our fixed-fee for applying for a Grant of Representation here and how we charge on an hourly rate for administering an Estate here.